Deadly Burgers
Dear Snackers ,
Besides potato chips ,
BURGERS are also dangerous since they contains flavorings and trans fat ! Burgers are disastrous snacks that make you look like this !!!
Remember my previous post on chips ? Here’s an additional evidence ! Mr.Dennis Meizys , on his letter , stated that his company is researching on the production of biodiesel from used vegetable oil , or more popularly known as trans fats ! Manufacturers they suspected to produce most waste oil ? Burger King , McDonald’s[again….^^’]and KFC !
The mafufacturers had replied to Mr.Dennis’ offer to buy their used oil with an explanation that they hardly have any oil left ! Imagine : thousands litres of oil was brought into the company , but only tens litres was disposed !They should have give all they have to him , since Mr.Dennis offer to take it for free , while they had to pay an approximate amount of $200 for the disposal per month .Now , you ask yourself , how could this be ?The answer ? The oil was recycled to the last drop absorbed by the food , so all that filthy oil finally reach the “finish line “ in your digestive system ! Those rumours going around saying that those snacks are low-fat , fresh from oven ? See how greasy they are !
Re-used vegetable oils have higher fatty acids concentration . To lower the concentration , the oil was chemically treated before it was sent back for another production of potato chips !Moreover , they are difficult to catalyze into bio-diesel that the manufacturers hesitated to use them and even avoid them as engine oils , yet we still consume potato chips !
Used vegetable oil is also capable to cause environmental damage .That’s why manufacturers ought to spend thousands dollar for their disposal instead of throwing them away through drain .They’ll clog up the sewage system !Therefore I encouraged you all to eat up those snacks as much as you can ! Go ahead ! Why ? For each bag of potato chips you eat , you are doing a favor for our natural environment by disposing those toxic , down your “sewage system” _digestive system ! Your sink’s disposal system could be replaced by $ 80 ! What about your kidneys , arteries , liver and heart ?
Remember my previous post on chips ? Here’s an additional evidence ! Mr.Dennis Meizys , on his letter , stated that his company is researching on the production of biodiesel from used vegetable oil , or more popularly known as trans fats ! Manufacturers they suspected to produce most waste oil ? Burger King , McDonald’s[again….^^’]and KFC !
The mafufacturers had replied to Mr.Dennis’ offer to buy their used oil with an explanation that they hardly have any oil left ! Imagine : thousands litres of oil was brought into the company , but only tens litres was disposed !They should have give all they have to him , since Mr.Dennis offer to take it for free , while they had to pay an approximate amount of $200 for the disposal per month .Now , you ask yourself , how could this be ?The answer ? The oil was recycled to the last drop absorbed by the food , so all that filthy oil finally reach the “finish line “ in your digestive system ! Those rumours going around saying that those snacks are low-fat , fresh from oven ? See how greasy they are !
Re-used vegetable oils have higher fatty acids concentration . To lower the concentration , the oil was chemically treated before it was sent back for another production of potato chips !Moreover , they are difficult to catalyze into bio-diesel that the manufacturers hesitated to use them and even avoid them as engine oils , yet we still consume potato chips !
Used vegetable oil is also capable to cause environmental damage .That’s why manufacturers ought to spend thousands dollar for their disposal instead of throwing them away through drain .They’ll clog up the sewage system !Therefore I encouraged you all to eat up those snacks as much as you can ! Go ahead ! Why ? For each bag of potato chips you eat , you are doing a favor for our natural environment by disposing those toxic , down your “sewage system” _digestive system ! Your sink’s disposal system could be replaced by $ 80 ! What about your kidneys , arteries , liver and heart ?
I , myself agreed to public opinion that chemically-treated foods should not be consumed frequently . Wax contained within noodles and pastas , aspartame in canned drinks , acrylamide , monosodium glutamate , trans fats , all of them are poisonous to our body .However , despite all efforts made by various organizations , our society continues to consume these foods. Maybe someday scientists could invent something flavorous , yet harmless to be consumed , but when would it be ? Years passed by and humans life-age-expectation is declining .Maybe someday , humans would be extinct . Not as the results of huge meteors , or declining birth-rate , but miserably , "food poisoning ".
Avoid fast foods!
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