Monday, April 9, 2007

Sweet Poisons  !

Here's some links to videos regarding MSG and aspartame !

 O,y . Btw , remember to eat balanced diet and exercise regularly.Eat more fruits and vegetables !At least it'll burn some fats !

Sloth breds fats !

He..he... look at those fatty creamy layer on the cake !
You can start by consuming fruit juice every morning . But don't ever consume packed ones ! 
Most of them are sweetened by Aspartame , an artificial sweetener , substitute for sugar ! The same goes with
 Equal , NUTRAsweet ,  soft drinks , diet-coke , low-fat foods , and diet snacks .Aspartame is a chemical substance found in 1965 , in a "lucky" laboratory accident .It is a substance 200 times sweeter than glucose (white sugar) hence , cheaper and more convenient for manufacture use.Aspartame reduce calories in food , since manufacturer  needs only a small amount of for each product ,yet it is POISONOUS ! Ironically ,it is used widely in diet and low-fat foods .
Researches have proved that Aspartame cause brain tumors in rats as far back as the 1970s, however latest animal test on it, in 2005 reveals the fact that even small doses 0f Aspartame  increase the incidence of lymphomas and leukemia ,along with brain tumors.Some of our friends who are allergic to aspartame may also suffer from headaches, dizziness and hallucinations after consuming it.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggested a policy to execute soft drinks from school due to the high rate of teenage obesity. Research has proven that most teenagers drinks at least one can of packed drinks a day .Packed drinks contains flavorings , sweeteners , and colourings !
Aspartame in those packed drinks is poisonous , while the other sweetened with glucose is a source of excess sugar in teenagers’ diet .A can may contain at least 12 teaspoon of sugar , often found in unnatural form of high fructose corn syrup .Instead , real fresh fruit juices could be sold in replacement .

I , myself , thinks that teenagers should be briefed in the danger of many various kind of unhealthy foods and drinks around them . Tenagers are ruining their body unconsciously due to temptation to those “delicious” foods ! This problems could bring obesity , diseases , disorders , cancer , etc to our young generation , who are the nations hope and successors{eh…this is a bio blog….^^}.anyway , Teenagers need to know the dangers of unhealthy foods ! There is no totally harmless chemical substance which can turns ordinary food into 
a delicious one , nut I wonder if we could have one in the future ....
= )
Eat FRESH fruits !

Thanks !
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